[EN] How to release emotions and live an authentic life with David Manning

David Manning is a speaker, mentor and therapist and the developer of the emotional release technique. His Mission is to help people heal and bring them back to their true self. With this holistic technique where he merges psychology and bodywork, he can help people heal from emotion that is stuck in their bodies and holds them back from being their truest and authentic self. He explains how we create layers and layers around us from our childhood on in order to be a „good“ person and play our role as children, students, partners in society. According to David, this so called „role ego“ is the source for symptoms like fatigue, depression and burn-out. Our inner child, our authentic self that is covered by this layers is tired of playing a role in society. Releasing them brings us back to ourselves.

In this episode of An Open Mind you also learn…

… how the role ego builds up in our live

… how emotions get stuck in our body in the first place

… how recognizing our selves helps us break dysfunctional patterns

… the difference between mindfulness and the emotional release technique

… how prenatal stress and trauma can result in scoliosis in the fetus

… how trauma and disembodiment create problems in our society

… how the emotional release technique works

… Davids view on Diseases, with the example of endometriosis

… the difference between feelings and emotions

Find Davids Work here:



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